what redeemer crap?
So how's the wife n kids treatin ya?
ohithere ^_^
So, I take it that's a no on my offer?
http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=4G0KaKy6jUo&feature=channel_page My source of quality news.
I just got an e-mail from the SSDP about Bush continuing his wrath against marijuana, even after Obama was inaugurated. He does so through his...
Yes, I actually am disappointed. This is in General Chat, I thought by now people knew a few things about posting here on forgehub...Such as if...
Come again?
http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=uJo9W7ndnh4&e Check this **** out... At least watch to :50 and up. Where she actually talks to the mayor / council...
Thanks for not helping. At all. You guys are disappointing me...I think I'll just work on this solo if this persists.
You contradicted yourself there so bad, that I won't even provide you a proper rebuttal.
Hey you... I'd like to work on a project with you... It'd be a new (sorta) mmorpg...It's basically that one game I told you I played before, and...
Never heard about that. That's interesting.
Alright, I'm re-opening this thread. Just remember, this is a thread used to work together a letter in 500 characters, explaining to the President...
Damn you mother natureeeeeeeee
+ Rep. You basically said exactly what I wanted to, but I'm so lazy right this morning.
Ya, I'm locking this for a bit...It'll be revived soon. Seriously, grow the **** up people, and if you're going to debate about this, do it in...
See, you're doing it again, you're using the term "drugs" in the plural sense. This is where I tell you that marijuana does have an effect on...
And let me start off this post breakdown, by saying that the use of the word "drugs" in the plural sense should be minimized, as we are talking...
Your question was one of those "specific details" i mentioned earlier. It would need to be brought up, upon the realization of readying action....