I think that would be a great option. What I also think needs changing is the fact that it waits for everyone to load the map THEN it allows...
Yesterday I was forging and it said "you were disconnected from xbl, because this gamertag was signed in on another console." I don't now how...
LOL :D I have a biology exam tomorrow :/ I have to go study. Did you get kidnapped?
hehe nice write up some epic screens there. I must be in your party if you host again :P I was playing halo the other day and a message popped...
You're my hero.
hahaa nice. Post some of your maps. :P Heres a tip: Make sure you put alot of effort into your map posts to make the post look good and...
Dogs, which their owners love dearly.. are put down for mauling children/people. I don't see why it should be any different for Gustav. They...
Grow your facial hair to the max.
Mexican boy is mexican. <3 amidoinitrite?
VVV yeah! >:[ (I haven't been here either hehe)
Damn straight.
The people who were being dicks about your infection map are idiots They don't understand that interlocking isn't everything. Gameplay is whats...