Back in my day, young 'uns would never disagree with their elders... kids these days...
Geez, I'm still only 13, I still like loud music, staying up late partying and the occasional minor law offence...
But the Ducks shall rise again! We shall lag those damned americans until they wilt at the strength of our yellow bar...
Well, whatever happens happens... I mean, if I find the most awesomest winlyest forgasmic map I may be kind and make a write-up for you, but sadly...
Dun wurry guy, I will still be heer! just not as much...
That would be a lie though...
Not yet, but they should be easy.
It's coming along nicely, and since I;m about to be on holidays, I'll be able to constantly start testing it. I'm taking my time making the centre...
U DON"T OWN ME FOOL!!! *slaps* *walks away* *walks into bar with Mr T* *explodes due to awesomeness level being OVER NINE...
Wait, did it have like, bridges from two sides down into an area underneath a pair of fence walls? and water-like shield doors?
Camo in the trench? hmm not ringing many bells as I normally don't place anything other than geometry until right up at the end... Blaze must've...
Press the up arrow and the object will only move in a vertical direction.
Sure, feel free, just lemme in on the playtesting, and maybe a little credit, lol.
Yet again, you didn't take in the full meaning of my message. I said that the insinuator (starter) of the argument is to blame. If another member...
Sad, but true... although I'd say I'm winning.
The last sentence of your message just proved my theory right, you can't say something and not expect a reply in this style of environment, and...
No, had you actually read my message, you would have noticed that I said that the insinuator of the argument is the one who is to blame due to the...
Perhaps, but you have been in enough arguments (you said yourself that you enjoy them) to realise that people will not easily step down from a...
Ah, but it is selfish and parsimonious to continue to act in a way that other people find annoying, and especially if they have clearly stated so...