Ohhaidar Sargey poo. I wrote a poem for you! Here goes: Oh Sargey Poo I miss you I miss your touch And I miss your musk I miss being your little...
Mmmm....I had the bacon one yesterday....very, umm....bacony. But what I really want right now is a pillow because I snow plow for the town and...
[IMG] Proxy! Ban! lawl lawl lawl!!!
ok, getting on now.
Debating and arguing has become rampant in this thread. The thread is meant to be for reviews. Whether people agree with it or not he has the...
Yeah man sounds good, can't wait to see it. Lemme know when you are gonna be on because I should be around all day today.
The King is baaaaccccckkkkk!!!!
That's why they call him Slim Shady, he's back, he's back....
Sweeeet!!! Lemme know when you plan on testing and I will do my best to be there :0)
Why you stalkin me!?!? J/k, what the dealy-o Squidward??
There is a pretty strong possibility he didn't even play it. Some people like to judge based on pics and description, or even just a forge-through...
Niiiice....Most suicide girls are hawt....some are a bit to gothy for me. How much does that book go for? 397 pages sounds like it's a tad expensive.
What kind of book is it if I may ask? Is there nudity in it??
I'm a lover, not a fighter ;0)
I dunno man, dem's sounded like fightin words!!
Oh, you wanna brawl?
Certainly wouldn't effect me in a negative way. Hell, it would be a bonus! I don't own a PS3 and I don't intend to buy one either.
If this does happen (and it's a big if) I could see Sony's software development division doing something similar to what Sega did. They would...
As someone mentioned before, if you do Brumak Rodeo for 4 days straight you can unlock the achievement. The level nets you about 200 kills per...