I think people actually miss what move is. It's Mo-Cap basically. The tech they used to mock human movements in cutscenes, etc. Meaning that it...
Look similar...not play similar. That's what defines a map.
No hard feelings on the story :P
[IMG] Cawk Blawkin' Created by CaMOfo Recommended Players: 5-16 Required Gametype: Cawk Blawkin' This is the story of an eager, young lad...
You crazy..load times are improved a decent amount.
Lol. I remember this story.
-Fixing grenades so they don't do bleed damage (shields need to be popped to kill) -Fix Camo/OS powerups -Fix blue spot on Boardwalk (can shoot...
dusnt afraid
Disclaimer: If you feel this does not apply to you, don't be offended. Gunnergrunt, I apologize you were dragged into this. And I lol. Let me...
naw shes closed
I'm really surprised and confused about Anchor 9. It could have great interior geometry but they made the mistakes of the past that have already...
Woops, I meant set the bridge to spawn in Slayer only. Headhunter/Stockpile never existed in H2..so you don't have to worry about a bridge...
A note on your Colossus remake: It is possible to set objects to spawn in only one gametype (the bridge), so if you wanted, you could consolidate...
Don't you miss when I used to give you like 5 notifications for no reason?
Oh yeah..edit button silly me
I messed that dude
Awhh suckface. Just tell your mom that your brother curses waay too much on XBL..and steal his box from him lol