Not that some of the hate points aren't valid but I'm going to lock this in essence of curbing a flame war. Apparently there is a CE remake on...
It's so weird seeing you's like purple was you. Now when I see bloo jay post I think he's you for some reason.
My argument isn't that mods are's that you can't claim they're such a positive. It's like saying Bobby's house is really fun because he...
Dedicated servers are a matter of preference, in fact it often can be difficult to find a good game, which is annoying. In many instances a...
This topic makes me lol HPM. First, the debate was about PC FPS not PC gaming in general (unless of course this continued after I left, in which...
I agree with you TC, the second I realized there were before and after pics I was like awh of course the before look better. I miss the Halo 2...
Were those other games 10 cents? I just bought boarderlands for 360 and ima be mad if they were :(
Myself and the other administrator made a map which he posted and it only had like four happens in a community this big. The remake...
dude get on
I'll be on in an hour
Thing is though, this game will never be $20. Activison is far too greedy to ever drop the price of their games. In fact, over the life span...
I'm going to offer a different opinion to this situation, as I haven't played the game. I have no bought Black Ops and it's unlikely I will. If...
Probably won't be around much for the next few days. Gone home..and family is moving so there really isn't great play spaces
Neither are you TZ! I've had a lot to do lately and end up only on at night
I'm going out broski
Voting thread isn't up is it?
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