mine is screwed up...
Ya i got it but there is no just plain brush folder, i have paintbrush and something else.
Ok sorry i am asking so many questions you can quit any time, but ill be specific. Ok go to 4 minutes and 48 seconds how do you get the screen he...
Looks fun 5/5 the banked turn looks like alot of fun :0. Good job with intelocking 5/5. Keep forging!
Looks awsome 5/5, i luv the starts 2 way interlocked turn :). Also i luv how you pop out and go over the turn 5/5 again good job.
I see you are new to forgehub, but you need to have at least one picture embeded. To learn how visit my thread. How to get Pictures for noobs.
Likes like a fun minigame map 4/5, nice creativity, i would of never thought of pushing the coils out onto a mancannon. Good job.
Hey Looks cool i like the lift, 5/5, good job on interlocking 5/5, and you made a very nice thread :). Keep forging!
hey awsome map 5/5, very creative reminds me of Reflex. Also i luv the chute perfect well done. Keep Forging!
Hey first pic looks cool 4/5, but i suggest you embed the pics, since you already know how just do the rest of them. Because some people like me...
ehh 1/5 you dont to make some more stuff it looks too plain, and gamplay looks sad :( but just take what i said to make it better.
Hey you have too embed the pics, you cant copy and paste the pics from bungie, visit my tutorial of how to get pics..
Hey check out my thread Best Featured Maps, its like Mallets thread SOTW
Doesnt meet the standards, you must at least embed one picture ask someone how to do it or look for a thread.
New map Infactor
Hey can you help me come up with a new name for my map?
Hey cool sig who made it?
Hey good job you made it into the ABCrew.
Loks cool 5/5 nice interlocking 5/5, i like the curving walls i think you did a good job with that.
Coo, map 4/5, it was definitly a good choice to add the river, if you have a river or a waterfall in a map it can make its so much better.