Dont spam
Ok c ya
Im saying i want it too be like Mallets thread and i think his is cool but i just want mine to be like mallets it doesnt have to be cool. I just...
Well thanks but i dont want it to be cool i just want it to be like Mallets SOTW
just because you dont like my thread doesnt meen you have to give me a bad rep
No i dont
What are you talking About?
You said 3 pints is warned, that meens the infractions have to be active right? and if the arnt active does it matter how much you get? Anyway...
Everyone vote I like my thread and i want it to stay at the top of the list and it will be like Mallets SOTW
Just watched it, very creative and cool. 5/5 great job. +rep for you!
Hey im going to need you in 2 days for BFM
Hey these look pretty cool 5/5 for all of them i like the one were the all surrounding the hog
Ha looks pretty cool 3/5, i like the 7th column its creative, and good for Bungie
Hey your pictures arnt working for me...I think you need to upgrade or something
Hey looks fun very creative 5/5, i would of never thought of a carnival everything looks fun good job.
Ok now how do i transfur them to GIMP
Hai visit Boydys sig shop and learn.
Ok but i have a question i dont have grunge brush how do i get it.
I agree it reminds me Ivory Tower in some spots, good job 3/5, it looks like fun.
Looks ok 2/5, but should be posted in aesthetic, gamplay looks kinda fun but just my opinion