There seems to be a very shitty side effect kicking in with this canvas and I'm not quite sure how or why, but after placing roughly 200-300...
Aww don't cry Devin, you do win! You're a winner! All these losers are just sad cause they fail :[ Now go forge.
same to you sir
Merry Christmas! :D
yea.... it did lol fail
Holy ****, I played some modded Guardian variant of a BR arena > pretty intense, this looks like a great map for the game. The centerpiece is...
The people with the permutation in their avy usually are those who have a bit of free time, you can easily make a temporary change to your...
I got ... -Guitar Hero 2 -Gears of War 2 -Soul Calibur IV -Fallout 3 -MK vs. DCU -Dead Space -Far Cry Intsincts/Predator (already own FC2 I...
I love the hate towards non-DLC from someone who is one; a noob and secondly; a dipshit. Dear Twilight, You're a moron, when you learn a little... NrG Phuk, it's that simple.
congrats with Moon Waffle bro; think we'll be seeing another elevator-map soon enough?
You are like multi (*edit) post king, report.
Lol-lol. Wait so are you now on the bottom of the elevator shaft? If so wouldn't someone who's not so dumb just come, break the pallets up top and...
it's beautiful, thank you sirs
how far along is it?
Sig/Avy Set: Yes Sig Type: Reference- my current Render/Stock image: Background, That Style: Epic Colors: retro Dimensions: sig size? (+ an avy...
what happened with the sig shop? After the last one you made for me; I had a new request, but as I was searching I found the sig shop's been...
Can you not just remove the Hard drive and play Halo, afterward save to a memory card..?
Bungie had poked at this one recently, for this exact talk has been a topic of discussion, no; they have no plans of making it free.