I posted the new template thread, deadline is very soon already!!
Happy Birthday!
Halo Reach Forge: Insane Game Type Tutorial Part: 1 [HD] - YouTube Watch all of them.
It's insane! You gotta teach me how to do that!
The title basically covers my problem: my xbox keeps overheating. It happens generally after one hour of playing. However, when I put it on its...
Okay. I'll tell Redy cause sadly I probably won't be there myself next Sunday :( (Xbox keeps overheating, have to find a way to fix it)
You're a Race forger, right? I believe I've seen your name before on YouTube. Might've been on ducain's or oBR0NC0's channel. Either way:...
I know right? Happened to me at least once in Reach. Didn't get the Perfection, neither did I get the spree medal I was about to get. (I believe...
^This. Also, tell some more about the map itself. No offence but from what I can tell from what you DID show and tell, it looks just like another...
and I forgot to say but of course Elliot has his own schedule so you should probably just improvise and alternate the lead so both of you can play...
5. Elliot also wants to test a map but he'll probably merge his lobby with yours/ours anyway. 6. Skyline Terrors by Minion (won't be there in the...
Schedule: 1. Trembling Mine - if the creator shows up of course! 2. Containment Base - if he shows up 3. AP: The Train - if shows up 4. Kappa...
If I can't be there next Sunday of course I'll tell you, and we can host a new lobby together next week. This sucks :(
A few things: 1. Can you put your Locus Regia map in your fileshare? I will download it sometime and fix the weapons for you if you want :) 2. I...