I looked at the map. There was only one blue team initial spawn that I could find. I didn't see the respawn zones for all the fire teams for all...
It gets better... If you delete every object on the map, there are three objects that remain. 1. a bridge, okay that is cool.. 2. These little...
All of them...
I saw the leaked video of this tree. It seemed to have some rocks and dead wood attached to it at the base. So if you want just a tree, you have...
Noxiw - outstanding sig pic. I had to take a double take!
I tried working on a Forerunner theme and decided to venture into Invasion. You can read my case study on the effort. From that the one thing I...
When you make a map, you own the intellectual property of the map design. That is why forgetacular came with a requirement that you surrender to...
So what is 343i's position/policy with modded content? And if it is different than Bungie's does this free us to post modded content here at FH?
I understand that Forge Hub is affiliated with Bungie. Is this correct? And is Forge Hub officially affiliated with 343i, or has Forge Hub lost...
As I said before, there are some spots on this map that are so dark I cannot see the wall until I am right up against it with my sword. I think...
The map looks cleanly forged. I like the placement of the sword, but given the size and openness of the map, wouldn't rockets be a better choice...
You could make this work if you had all three phases setup for territories, and had their capture time set to instant or 1 second (which ever)....
High security prison?... Seriously, a DL is in order... When will the link be available?
If you are trying to prevent a team from spawning on the wrong side of the map, the proper tool is the Respawn Zone. See Respawn Zone Tutorial to...
It sounds like you need plenty of Respawn Points assigned to the neutral team and place them with cover to protect the players as they respawn....
I was able to force the blue team to spawn behind the red base in multi flag. Is that what you intended? All but the blue team initial spawns...
When playing multi-team, the red and blue are equally restricted to about 1/3 of the map for respawning, but none of the other teams have such...
With just 1v1 I was able to force the blue team to spawn at the red flag in CTF with only 3 kills. It would be much easier in 4v4. Is this...
I usually go into Forge first... ;P Seriously, I have started using different approaches. It seems like one is not adequate for all cases. More...