That was actually funny... Thanks for the laugh. I am glad I was not losing it here, however..
So when you say realistic infection map, what do you mean? What is considered realistic about a fictional horror flick? I am not trying to poke...
Wasn't there an MLG content forum? I see the competitive, mini game, casual, etc. But I thought there was also an MLG forum. Am I losing my mind???
This is what I observed...
It was in forge that I noticed it (you know how sometimes you just don't notice things, it may have been in game as well). I noticed it on XXL...
Last night (or early morning, depending on how you look at it), as I was forging, adding game support, etc., to my latest map, I discovered that...
It is my understanding that this is exactly how you do it, but you really have no control on which location the spawn occurs. You create (for...
I am editing out my ranting so that I do not get infracted... again...
Your Initial Spawn Points work fine. The problem you have is that none of your Respawn Points inside the building will ever be used, because you...
I agree. Not that I care what he places on his map, but if he wanted to draw a crowd, he went about it all wrong with these symbols. I thought it...
ignore my post, didn't read all that was said..