theres a sword next to one sheild door, and a shotgun by another, thats crazy, theyyll just camp the whole game, it needs work, bro'
this looks really good i barely even recognized which map this was 1st post
things look forged okay, could use more aesthenics, and looks really close combat, thats just criticism, because it looks like you spent a lot of...
ya, please try to make this not on foundry, good though though, but foundry is boring unless you create your own world inside of it
nice job everything about this looks mad sweet
hope it plays as good as it sounds, minigames on the rise
honestly, i have no diea what anything is, or what it means,
map LOOKS awesome, obviously idk how it plays because i havent downloaded it yet one thing i would ask is for a weapns list in the post 4.5/5
sounds cool though get those pics up soon
it looks a little unfair, one side gets a carbine brute shot and smg, while the other has a rocket launcher...once the doors open they could take...
its aesthenic, which means its made for looks , not playability if thats a word good joob looks cool
it seems very close range, if its not too much trouble is there a weapon list
its a good idea but could use some work, if you want to get downloads then merge some stuff together
looks pretty good couldnt you grenade jum out tho
thank goodness, something other then foundry, looks good dude i might check it
interrlocking looks pretty clean but if you wnat dls maybe throw in more aesthenics
looks like some interlocking is needed and maybe throw something in front of the base in the first pic
i give the original mapmaker a 4/5 original u get 0
ha master jelly that was me i was just taing pics of the map, and zombs can jump out they have 200 gravity
looks really good but maybe too open in that one cent thing nyway 4/5 good job