crazy interlocking you have here, i think the fort might overpower a bit. I do like your map, good job, keep up the good work.
good post, the map could use some work, this is what i would do -Learn to interlock, everything would be smoother -Learn to geomerge, you could...
idk when you posted it, but since no one said this you have 24 hours before you post gets lockerd by a mod-
good idea, v3 is def the best, only comment is upside down bridges look better then theyre regular sided brothern
it could use work, some places look like if you jump there your stuck, maybe move it cose thogether, and what happens when you fall, is there a...
wait, is there a budget glitch thrown in here, b.c. if not the items at the top are in the way
its a good remake, if it took you 200 hours, thats a waste of time, its a really good map, pretty clean interlocking, but 200 hours is ridiculous,...
good idea but you need interlocking, it looks good for none though, see if you can make it better
ive seen thihs before, yours is good, but if you blow up one fusion coil then its an auto strike, but i guess that must be the point, it looks...
i think it could use more cover, and maybe more then two ways to lead to the platform in the center of the map, interlocking is good though, 3.5/5
teamwerks arena is great, epicenter is a classic, all the maps are awesome
looks cool, aesthenics are great, gameplay is eh, the switch is really cool though nice job
great job, this looks like a great mlg map, keep up the great work
i think you could use a better discription discribing the gametype and more of a jist of the map, if i said that right
sounds like a usual infection gametype, but could use some interlocking
sounds like a good idea, almost any minigame is good these days
looks pretttytttyyyy gayyyyyy! No, jk everything about it looks good 4.5/5
you have it set as thumbnails, but i think i saw v1 and loved it, ill look again when you fix the pictures
ya it doesnt look like your the best merger, so just take your tie even more and make a v2
im not sure how the gameplay is, but the aesthenics are amazing, looks great