Desktopography FTW
Oh of course... How could I think anything else... The big website at the end of the video isn't your site at all! It's something else... Sorry...
WHAT!! It's a good song, I like it =]
Dude, you're a ****ing retard =D
Lolololol As you should =] You're retarded xD
Lololololololl **** you Penguin, LMFAO =D Gold xD
I expected more from you Penguinish... *heavy sigh*
lolololo I think you should sleep with a dude =] Are you gonna do that too? =D Your logic fails ... xD
That was stupid... I skipped through parts cause I was bored... That was stupid...
You logic is fail
Don't shoot the messenger~!
Very doubting
Yeah because that makes sense...
Pshhh lol, even before that I had tones =P
lolloollololol I've had about 1000 moar visitors than you =D And I joined after yeww =P
WTF!!!!!! SOMEONE DIVIDED BY ZERO!!! This is not supposed to happen!
[IMG] Alright it's about time I posted a new one of these, sure most people don't care but I like to do it anyway =] Okay here goes, let's...
I know right =D The cool people have all the cool stuff =P EDIT: What thread?
And finally the first installment of Console Wars has been released. I've been waiting for this for ages, I have posted it, haven't watched it yet...
Shame it's a JPG though... Save your stocks as PNG next time Why? Because I said so...