Thanks Killnon. I'm glad you like it.
Yeah... I was expecting that type of reaction. I was just bored and thought it would be interesting so I posted it... Oh well. And yes I am...
I made this in about 10 minutes and I think it turned out pretty good. I also think it should be the standard sig for moderators since that would...
I agree... The new one is much better.
Wow... It's really good. And you shouldn't complain about only having Cs2. I have to work with just Cs.
I think I found the final version so thanks for all the help. Other advice is appreciated though so don't let this post discourage you. Thanks for...
These are really funny... I like the one with the actual halo guy in it with the fusion coils.
I agree with vinny. That one is by far the best ( in my opinion) but I think you should put renders on them since they are kinda eh without a...
I like it a lot I think it would be better sharper though... I'm not a fan of smudgy backgrounds
I can't believe you would sink that low... Not cool man! Also Mallet I luv your idea of posting the original. And Paranormal I really like your...
I did... I tried about ten times because I wanted to add wisps to my sig on this thread. I created two new layers made the bottom one black....
I really like the effects on the last four.
K I'll try that... I can't until tonight though since I gotta go to the renasiance festival. Also I tried the pen tool tut you gave me (Not the...
I like one. But I don't like the noise you have going on by his arm. To me it looks sloppy.
Thanks for all the advice. And yes I do use PhotoShop... By the way I luv your new sig!
Yeah thanks DizFunky... The links weren't opening earlier but they work now.
The sig looks great PlatinumLynx but could you please put my name in. Also I +repped you.
All this Pen Tool controversy and I'm still caught in the middle dazed, confused and unable to use the pen tool.
Thats probably true but still... I want to add them to my newest sig (Featured on another thread thats called New Sig and I need Help).
I didn't use any brushes in this except for creating the original layer for the screen which I motions blurred so you can't really call it...