yea that's fine how it is lol.
eh make secondary text like 2x tinnier if u would. thanks.
mx that looks pretty awesome. but could u have like the 'hardcore forger' under neath some like on the bottom and to the right a little. Not being...
oh thanks lol. I checked out the one you said .. i see some resemblance. what should be improved though other than the man cannons.
the timing was too amazing. someone stuck a guy and right when the stick exploded, someone shot him with a spartan laser. boom.
This was actual game play on the map Avalanche. [IMG] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Original...
been a while sense I've seen a zanzibar map. i like the looks of it good job.
looks asymmetrically perfect. could use a bit more interlocking on the 'floor' part but other than that awesome. I just realized too that you got...
i like it! 5/5
ah no way i was gonna do the same idea lol i like it.
yea just try not to go in the man cannons lol. I gotta find something else to put there.
i like big maps in general. I think you did a good job on these maps. 4/5.
a little late arent ya? :P EDIT: ok tommorow's fine.
just like have a box on the ground with a floati.. just something that looks like forge in construction. Sorry, I know I don't make much sense but...
I want A render of foundry and the oracle forge thing looking at you. Maker: Al Text: Scopulus Secondary Text: Hardcore Forger color: blue...
hawt. I enjoy seeing your maps. They inspire me :).
those are some sweet maps. also, is ur thing supposed to be called 'Invy'.. j/w. 5/5 look amazing.
hah so this is the famous rectangle map? I like, I like. I heard it was fun. Downloaded. also, hey wally. I;m from bounce fx too :P.
i like this one :D 5/5
eh I'll try lol. it's a pretty small map.