Good for him, some nice quality rhyme-writin time. I expect Dedication 3 to be done by the time he's out.
serif: Garamond there's a lot of character in this typeface. its classic and elegant. Also, it was used in all the Dr. Seuss books sans:...
lemme know if you wanna get some tests goin
you must be invited. i think whoever manages it has to.. not sure. nothing goes on there anyway, but itd be cool if you were in it. ask nev
pigs aren't purple! neither are dogs for that matter! you guys are silly
Tender Bisquit ► Premium
premium without a post.. most epic user ever.
Forge Hub - View Profile: Tender Bisquit is premium, technically. Cyclopean and Troika
no way. i cant believe you actually did this finally.
Just so you guys know, one of the changes to the new dashboard is that you will no longer be able to use external memory sources to bolster your... kid obviously ripped off MLG Item Limit. He should be bant.