I could write a massive list, which I might do later, but instead I'll just post my top 5 1. The Dark Knight (46 viewings and counting) 2....
Well, the resemblence is uncanny [IMG] [IMG]
Add me on Skype if we're not already. And when we're both online I'll send it to you via skype
More than likely permanent
It happened moments after I posted that message
Would you like to take over SOTW permanently? Im positive you'd be allowed to have moderation powers in the G&A section to run it.
coming right up
Thanks man
haha, cheers. I was so happy when I found it
You need to work on the positioning of the text. Comics are read from left to right and there are some points where the speach starts on the right...
One upsmanship?
That's actually a pretty good idea, though as you said, in practice it probably wouldn't be very effective. I might try incorporating it and see...
Hey mate, thanks for taking care of SOTW. I'm ready to post it again, so whenever you're able to can you send me back the PS file? Don't sweat not...
I am Batman, but a dancing spidey is entertaining
I found GTA IV to take itself too seriously, I had more enjoyment playing Saints Row 1 than I did GTA
Moved to Gaming Discussion
Thanks man. The one I borrowed for the better part of this year is a Wacom, not sure on its specs but it's worked very well with my laptop. Pretty...
Yeah, I realise they're not cheap. My teacher lent me one earlier in the year for design; top notch tablet. My dad says he's found it for like...