All you had to do was search kangaroo in the videos section.
Yeah I still laughed. The guy has lots of funny vids like that.
Posted before =/
I know, but I have to protect my street cred, ya know?
I'm Shroomz, not a ****ing cat. And we have totally derailed this thread.
I'm easily entertained, what can I say?
It's on there... And yes, I am upset about that probably the most out of any of these titles.
It doesn't really start getting fun til the late 20's, but even the more fun aspects of it feel like a chore. The actual gameplay itself isn't...
I did.
But totally, totally worth it.
I doubt it will be soon. Even if we got a teaser trailer today, we probably wouldn't get the actual game for 2-3 more years knowing Square.
I used to. I got bored because I had a social life so once I got to those levels it was too boring. All I could do was grind.
Nobody's sure. We had this discussion a couple weeks ago in another thread and apparently whoever is like the head person of the KH games has only...
You should try to play the demo at Gamestop or walmart or somewhere if you get the chance. It's only the challenge mode but it really shows off...
I played the demo at my Wal-mart and I was instantly hooked. I know I'm getting it on PS3 so I can do whatever side thing they have for the Joker.
If you want to keep a good social life, just be aware that once you hit around 50-60, you'll progress extremely slowly and won't be able to do...
Haha, nice find. I know another pretty funny prank call vid, lemme find it... EDIT: Alot of you have probably seen this before. YouTube - The...
How have you not played it yet? like 8 games are held every night. Three answer choices for every question. If you're in the crowd, you can...
The more the merrier. Or actually, I guess the more the... emo-er?
It's ok RST, we're just misunderstood. Let's be emo together, k?