Did you just get a name change?
If you don't find Cyanide and Happiness funny then you are just a hardass. Well, maybe not every single one, but they are hilarious for the most part.
Yeah I would expect. They have one in TX, one in CA, one in the middle of the US and then another in some random state.
Bahahaha! That looks more like they just copy and pasted a marine over a character model in WoW.
I don't think he did say that, but I just sort of assumed it because I know Jug is one of the members here that you can usually assume he knows...
Well it does hold 20 gigs, but the OS and other stuff that comes on the Xbox that you can't remove takes up space.
The problem in the maps section is different from the problem in GA. The problem in maps is that people post spam as a review. The problem in GA...
Maybe you shouldn't assume things so actively. He was saying he didn't think their would be a monthly subscription fee for Diablo III, which there...
You can download it as many times as you like after only buying it once. I don't know exactly how it will work, but Microsoft has assured people...
First of all Microsoft has already confirmed that it will not take up loads of memory on your HDD. The game is linked to your Gamertag, not your...
Here's the entire list of games available on launch of the Games on Demand service. Assassin's Creed (Ubisoft) Burnout Paradise (EA) Call of...
And when you did start coughing up money, the disc alone would cost probably $100. Do you know how much time, effort, and money it takes to put a...
Well, yeah, I know that. But I mean an entire music rhythm game based on Halo.
So? I'd still like it if things remained the way I remembered them.
I suppose you're right. Just being opposed to change I guess >.<
Yes, yes it would. Also, I wasn't saying it'd necessarily be a good idea, I'm just saying that I find it surprising that nothing like this was...
Well that's good. That's why I never did BG. All the twinks made it impossible to be any good.
Epic. I'm getting on the box. I'll be watching... and I'll be waiting...
What's so special about Thursday?
Ever heard of MadWorld? People make these kinds of games for every system. I'm not surprised this is on here. Frankly, I'm more surprised an...