Maybe if you would take the time to read the rules and watch other's behavior before you start posting all over the place. Do you see anybody else...
General Chat is not a place for random stories like this. If you want to post these things, best put it in Off-Topic. This would probably get...
You know it. *Srs faic* >:|
D: I'm sorry. Just Joshin' around.
I would say "Cool story, bro." Unfortunately it was not a cool story.
So? Are they trying to spread the word and get people to accept Christ? If not, they are not a Christian band.
YouTube - 'Splosion Man - Donuts Song (FULL SONG + HIGH QUALITY)
Cool glitch. Awesome song as well.
QFT Rocket Race was the ****.
Top 10 games I'm most excited for within the foreseeable future 10. Champions Online - I haven't really seen too much on this game. I'm excited...
Pretty disgusting, but I have seen worse. And I did sit through the whole thing.
What if they never posted it for CnC?
I think they're using dollars instead of MSP in order to make it easier to pay to the actual developers/publishers of the game. And I don't know...
There's been plenty of buzz surrounding The Beatles: Rock Band over the last few months, but what about that other single-band-focused rhythm game...
Pretty funny, but not much of a lazer collection.
Trust me, there will be. The reason no achievements were on survival is because it was free. If they didn't put achievements that would just...
Bah! I could have sworn I read that somewhere! I can't find the article... Maybe it will take up that much space D:
I always read your name as Riftle Giftle. I don't know why...