Some games that I have interest in yet, have no clue if I'll be getting in 2010 are: Dead to Rights Retribution Skate 3 UFC 2010 Max Payne 3...
You don't have to do any of the crap you specified in the op Paulie. This glitch can happen in any play list. You'll know it's the glitch if it...
This **** happened to me before and it pissed me off like no other. Here's how you're going to have to fix it: You'll have to call up the Xbox...
Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if the guy laughed in your face because you wrote up this unnecessary crap just so he 'supposedly' can't be there....
I like the regular play lists. I play video games for fun, recreation-ally, and just to waste spare time. The regular play lists suit my casual...
I remember you a little bit, but not to the point where I can recall any of your posts. Well, anyway welcome back dude.
Inb4 ban
I may host a MW2 tgif. I don't know what I'm doing tomorrow though.
YouTube- Rammstein VS Cookie Monster
That's one of my top favorite's too, but I mean if you link to it, it's infraction worthy. Also, DeviantArt's wallpaper section is quite good,...
That's what I figured. Like at my school we have culinary classes on the campus, then if you're really interested in going in that direction they...
Are you taking your cooking classes in High School or out of High School?
Rise Against is also another one of my favorite bands too. My favorites are: YouTube- Rise against - Savior YouTube- Rise Against - Give It All...
Thanks man. The places I got to contain viruses, inappropriate content, and etc. I'd get infracted if I were to give you a link to these sites....
I posted that image in the Post your Desktop thread within one of my wallpaper dumps.
In order to not have a contract it's going to have to be a pre-paid phone, just to let you know, in case you don't already know.
Thanks man :D I think there's like 20 or so Christmas related wallpapers in here, there's gotta be at least a couple you like. I'll dump another...
Just because he wants a capture card doesn't necessarily mean he's getting it to make machinima's.
How do you figure how many posts you have all together? Including posts made in G&A and Off topic.