I have an idea! We should get together a bunch of people and make our own message on Avalanche! Lol jk. It's a pretty cool coincidence that it...
Thats a really a good idea. The weapon set is very creative, as is the game type. Such colorful lag. Personally, I don't think that you should get...
Teleporter portals are way overused, but there seem to be less then say two months ago. Flipping bridges isn't cliche, thats like saying so is...
My god, I can't say how many times I've addressed this: a map is not composed of its pictures. Besides, I have a Gamvee video. Forgehub is about...
As you must already know, people use Photoshop and GIMP, among various other programs. If you feel that you are not skillful enough to make a good...
Maybe its a huge conspiracy: A group of tens of thousands of players who veto everything but Construct kill themselves or cause battles in the red...
I think that it's the immature kids that we should be worried about. Some kids are okay however. Any kid under 9 should not have Xbox Live for...
Ding, Ding, Ding!!! You got it. Now you get plus rep. Did you look at the images URL? I should have thought of that.
Browsing Bungie.net, I found this random image of a face. Can you guess what it is? UPDATE: Ladnil is correct, its a Construct Heat Map. Now...
It's definitely a stretch, but it's not impossible. Bungie never ceases to surprise, and now that they are separated from Microsoft, the...
Like quite so many have previously stated, you should really add a few more pics- maybe just two more or so. Most people don't like the idea of...
Hiding is a legitimate strategy, though its usefulness is being diminished as awareness is raised. One could argue against that though, as it...
No rep for me? Lol. That is a good idea to put some quotes at the top. I think I'm gonna link to this when I'm replying to a bad infection map.
Yeah thats a little random. I don't think its gonna be a race. lol
Don't close it! I actually like the discussion that is forming here. That's just my opinion though.
You would probably need to use the unlimited budget glitch for such a huge project. Really good idea.
I completely agree. Anyone that says that hiding is cheating, has no idea what they are talking about. It's just another way to play Halo 3.
Looks really nice. Linkin Park is awesome! I like v2
Defiantly look for Adblock Plus and Adblock: Element Hiding Helper. They block all the ads on a page, and with the Element Hider, you can even...
Were you talking about my post? Anyways, heres another post by me that I posted in my fury following a Bungie Weekly Update. What do you think?