DUde it says image removed from photoshop
can u just send me the url cause idk how to embed dat
Hm. The crag. Sounds like a word I've heard before. I haven'treally seen maps like this one, the closest one I can think of is The Cliffs. Just...
I lu u!
The center island thing..... Could you explain what exactly that may be?
So which public toilet area did you use to record your "transformation" sounds?
If you don't know what a lag switch is, ask a nub on Xbox Live or look it up online.
Hmmm that is quite interesting. But.... yeah, I know that the flamethrower is from the PC version, I liked Custom Edition better, completely new...
Umm, yeah. I'm pretty sure the death barriers are impossible to bypass. Well, that is of course unless you have a lag switch setup or a decent at...
I reserved it. Shipping to Gamestop won't be complete until tomorrow. I am getting it then. This game is wildly more popular online than Halo 3,...
Om Nom Nom
i made it
Wow, why do people always complain. Any intelligent person would know that a Halo CE remake will be different becuase of Halo 3's gameplay. It is...
Lol, I can sayz what I wantz. I needz no backup, go away!
Lolololol ur a poser.
So? I like the color Yellow... sue me.
ERROR: Syntax Html: script//99rhh3//@syn://html/process_undefined//sql_993
The message you typed was too short. Please type another message that contains 5 or more characters.
Lol, says the guy who tries to make fun of people on a halo web site. lol.
Well all I see you need to do is put each and every one of those urls between a bracket stuff.