Project S Author: Tex and Shad0w Viper Reviewed by: The Yellow Enjoyment: 7/10 I loved Project X. I liked Project U for what it offered. But,...
O Rly!? Om Nom Nom!
Lol, when i watched that video of how it pinned him to the wall the other guy must have been like "Wtf?"
With a treffic cone? O rly? I've heard of traffic cone incidents but not TREFFIC cone incidents. Hmmmmmmm.....
I HATE YOU! Why did you make this map!?!? Ever since I stepped into its splendor and played a game of old fashioned slayer on it, it is all I...
lol ur map was bumped from top page feature just after a day instead of the usual two
Strange..... I offer intelligent opening for discussion and this is the way you react... hmmmm....
whoa u know a good deal about mlg i thought ur comments in the social group were interesting.
Dangit G043R, can you change my name to The Yellow now that it has just been moved.... before I forget again. Oh and you need to make it go to...
Lol Debo, I love ur subtle advertising. l \/
That was out of line. Why would he get an infraction? Maybe you should get an infraction for making such a stupid comment. Anyway, I just think it...
HOLY CRAP! HE RLY DID! KIDS ON FRONT PAGE OF BUNGIE! And all those peeps get Recon! Srly, Lord Mongoosew, recon! Body alphabet, recon! holy crap!
Just wondering, have you played it actually? Cause it just seemed kinda like most of the other generic comments.... oh well, its still gun b k.
dont wry, its gun b k
OM NOM! Yes zorz, a competitive map from Paulie! It has the beauty of your house maps and the solidity of a good competitive map. Yay.
Just wondering, what made u visit BLAQout's public proflie? Just curious, cause I think I know y...
HOLY CRAP THAT LOOKS AWESOME! But considering that it didnt take you that long, how did u make those picture things that cycle. is it like a gif...
i can haz sig for Flux, cause thats kinda what i rly wants it fo
I love Ramparts because it is fun! Fun fun fun! Yay ftw!
NVRmind, but can u give me an example of how to put the codes in to embed? like do u use like img and url? i have no idea how to embed a pic wiht...