Dude... Oddball on Clive is the funnest game I've played. Ever. ****ing do it, it always leads to epic awesome.
... You ****ing serious, lol? You messaged me, you're the one looking for an argument to start. I tell you to quit bothering me, you take it as...
As you've said before, you don't treat people you have already seen your bad side nicely because they're too judgmental of you already to care...
- 3 minutes. I think your watch is broken.
Lol. Halokid, where have you been looking, I want some of what you're seeing. And Brute, I still have no idea what you mean. What will commence...
... I'm sorry, what?
Someone took your vid, man. Gametrailers.com - Out of Bungie's ForgeHub Maps! by Pedobears
If that statement made any relation to what the majority knows as sense, you would still probably be wrong. "Double Standard of as I say not as I...
Ha ha, you fail at grammar too? Keep picking fights with me Brute, that's a smart idea. "Since when have I disproved of mocking you, it's an easy...
... And? Since when have I disproved of mocking you, it's an easy and fun hobby for the whole family to enjoy?
Yes, t'was a fun night mocking you in all your funny little ways. It also has nothing to do with the current situation. Nice.
Quit messaging me simply to bother me.
Wow... EGS, I didn't expect this from you. Since you're cool though, I'll go a bit nicer on you than I did the last guy who ignored to read the...
AH HEH heh HEH HEH heh HEHE HEhehHe ehhhhh
Thanks for the feedback guys, but I'd appreciate more of it coming along fairly soon. Surely everyone doesn't think it's perfect as is, no one...
Haha, you ****ing know it dude.
A HEH heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh A HEH he he he he heh heh
Touché, Sir.
... What? Grif was much better, why did you name yourself after your shade of blue? >__>
It's obvious that he is standing near an imaginary cliff, and at the angle that we perceive him (George) at only gives us a glimpse of his shadow....