Working on foundry would be better for that idea, because of the lack of shield doors in Sandbox. >_>
Okay, you have a point. However, when I made Sapphire, it was part of a ploy to get a new game-type for the forging public to use. I look forward...
Don't ask for permission with game-types; not from me nor from anyone. I mean do people ask permission to use conquest? Hell no they don't.
Hehe, about that Team Raver map; were you serious? o_O
Yo mi sombrero de punta a usted por este excelente mapa. Este mapa es muy bueno, por decir lo menos. Quiero ver a ustedes dos trabajando juntos de...
What do you make of this fiasco? =X If you need help, I'm still available.
Happy day of birth.
Yes I do, but I'm not able to speak about it at the current time. You'll find out soon enough.
I will continue to be ignorant about the location of the skulls. I want to find them on my own once I get Halo Wars: Legendary Edition. I actually...
You'll know in due time. Don't fret.
No, I'm not telling you.
Ah, thanks for the info. EDIT: Look what I found while surfing eBay....
If you want, but I heard that players do not experience bumps underfoot when traversing from one block to the other; or at least not as much as...
What?! That's complete treason on his part. What the ****....
Yea, I found that out after lurking the MLG forums after seeing a news blog on Lucky them I suppose.
Tdf =]
Kudos Nitrous. Kudos.
Ha WOW, has anyone seen TDF's new rank? It's absolutely amazing! I wonder if it has to do with the codes he has. Probably so. TrueDarkFusion <<
Nono, I'm just saying it's like gloating. I don't want the maps early to be honest, because I won't be able to forge my my friends right off the...
You mean select staff. TDF has twenty codes. And it's not nice to rub salt in the wound after been cut by Insane's news.