Awwwh :P I dunno about that :] thx ;3
Remmber to check out the Rules and the Forging 101 section. Oh wait.. :D
Pop Quiz! Question one: How many maps has Nemihara released on Forgehub?
I'm loving your custom title.
Far Cry2 is not a map editor. It is a map creator. The possibilities are pretty much infinite. Forge is pretty awkward to use and much more...
I know lol. I have to go now though (again -__- ) study time. My exams finish in 9 days so yeah :D Oh and when you see CHUCK can you just...
Hey, it looks really good. I like the layout n stuff. The underground tunnel at mauler spawn is pretty cool I really like it. You're going to...
lol I don't know xD I guess I saw your avatar and decied to show you my parody. Str8 rippin are freakin awesome though. srsly.
[IMG] :P (yeah I made that :] )
=D You could always make a parody. :p
I have a hat like yours except it's better. :]
Personally I don't think spawn killing would be a problem. It looks like you have alot of spawn points so spawning close to people shouldn't be a...
The forging is amazing but it will all be for nothing if the map doesn't play well. Just remember that gameplay comes first. Don't rush, take...
Yeah, Sdrak. You need to calm down. I see you doing stuff like this quite often and to be honest it pisses me off.
.... >:}
^^NECROPOST >:| I use the BattleRifle the most More importantly. What the h4x? How did E93 fit so many options on the poll D:
It took you an hour?!?!? Whoa. Here in NZ it takes like.. the whole day to DL :\ I envy you.