hehe thanks mate <3
Cheers man =]
Yeah :D
[IMG] I had an excellent time hosting TGIF on Saturday morning (Friday night for most) I managed to get a whole lot of players reasonably fast...
ForgeHug vs. GoO Montage. every single film clip on my file share (they are all in the middle collumn) is freakin' epic as the cat's pajamas....
\o lol thanks :D Yeah I know reading it now xD How do I change it?
:D o/ I think you are very deserving. Your work in the Tester's Guild is miraculous.
Thanks Jadon J :D You have been super awesome the whole time I've known you. Thankssssssssss
=DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Cheers Deeebizzle >:] Thanks to the maximum capacity <3
=B thanks man. You are a gangester
>=} thankssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss You are legendareh. <3
:D thank yee smeagawllllllll :D <3
Thanks!! :D <3
:D thaaaanks ::D :D :D <3
lol :D thanks, I remember it too =P
lol thanks mate, I really appreciate it :] you're a super duper dude. Thanks man.
You don't know. you're just going to have to trust me :] Thanks mateee. I appreciate ya.
:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D: THanks you soooo much for being pretty much the man n' stuff =] You are snazzy as the cat's pajamas.
hehe cheeeeeers brother :D Thanks I love you almost as much as my cat.