At times you were, and you were also being quite hypocritical and sometimes just stupid...
From your post in Big BucketsBilbo's thread: "He can't ban me without any reliable reason." Well, I'm sure that if we banned you for having a...
Kon, if I'm warmed up I may have a chance (not a very good one though) and if I'm not, expect a 25-0 win for you...
You'd be surprised Barcode... I would take the lesson, but I'm pretty confident in my 1v1 skills, although my thinking may not be completely...
Mehh, you could always fake it somehow...
I dunno... ask Bl00D...
Luckeh bugger...
You can walk out of it normally though, as it is in normal foundry, in renewal due to the stairs into the base geomerged over the default stairs...
I think it may have been blaze, but I know Matty has it. Also, box under stairs=pointless, as it serves no point other than aesthetics, and it...
Yet you've only posted once there, and that one post was just you (once again) pestering Fritz about the foundry sketch-up template? hmm......
Can't remember, someone showed me...
DUN WURRY!!! ILL SAIV U FROM DA VISHUS KANGAROOOOS!!!!!!!!!!! *Uses Australianess*
If it's the one with the walls in the back area, the [pointless] box under the stairs, and the lift that starts at the pipes in the back area and...
Well, that kindaa failed, but it was midnight when I finished so I left you a message and went to bed, now I have to go out. I'll be o n for a...
Thank you sir.
Finished all the outside ring, including all four of the chevron bridges and the extra stairs into the bases. I have a couple ideas for the centre...
Nowai nohow
Fawgeeeeeng mai Mooolg mapz0r
You are a x that is made from Te