Paulie; with your talent for building houses and structures and the like, have you ever considered building an urban map? Like a competitive map;...
Haha! xD Should I write a guide to effective Mongoose placement/usage now? =P
:3 It plays quite well, actually. Playing a large FFA on it feels somewhat like a "rave" map, and playing FFA Rockets or Lasers is just amazing.
If this doesn't get featured, I will eat... something. But it'll be bad and disgusting.
As much as I hate to say it, since it brings back memories of endless frustration, I actually did save-quit interlock everything. It was a *****!!...
In asymmetric games, the Defense items are in the Hut. However, in symmetrical games like Neutral Bomb, Multi Flag, etc. the Defense items are...
Thanks everyone! How did it play at TGIF? And please tell me you guys didn't try 10-man FFAs... It's a team map! xD
You guys should've played a 5v5 team game on Interrobang instead of FFA. Interrobang's too linear-designed for FFA to work especially well.
You will forever be my hero for remaking this map to perfection, and keeping the Gauss hogs. Gauss hogs are very underused, and the fact that you...
Exactly, but as a general rule most maps take up a large portion of Foundry, and it's always best to have at least four just in case people run...
Nooks&Crannies 2 has a blue box. And I know exactly how I did it, too. But I'm not telling until a few days/weeks or so after I release it. You...
:3 is all I have to say.
Thanks for giving this map a place in TGIF 10 everyone!! I appreciate it immensely, and I hope you guys like it!
Deco contest? What's that?
Amen to that! And yeah, it seems like most everyone does that and lurks for a while. I typically lurk about a week before joining a community....
+Rep'd. I was thinking of writing a guide like this, but thankfully I was too lazy and yours popped up. :D Excellent job!
I made a floating Blackout map too, but I started it before Mallet (I finished it like a month later than he did; I worked on it since April 24th...
Lolz. I'm actually about the same size as you, 5'4" (5'6" on skates for what it matters), and probably around 125-130ish in pads. But when kids on...
With your first post, you've successfully done what it takes most people until their third or fourth to do. Congratulations, +rep to you, and I...
Someone read my guide. :3