Pretty cool, I like how you designed an actually playable map around the scarab, sometimes more aesthetic pieces like this don't incorporate...
I so would too, after confessing how stupid I believe they are, but I would. I think the escape itself was good enough.
dude look at Ijiri that ass made some huge ****in sarcastic bullshit post
The post looks good I'd just suggest, now knowing how to enlarge the pics, go back and fix those few. As for the maps it looks pretty nice, the...
Wow, sarcastic much? That whole post was totally unnecessary.
This is true, I was only adding it would look fun.
I gotta say this looks pretty good. I agree with eguitar on the whole slayer thing, mabie just a tad more fun with snipers or stickies who knows....
Oh why thank you sir, glad to see these words. ^_^
Oh I've seen uhm... Scopulus he forges like this. It was weird, never thought of doing such a thing. I just happened to be in forge with him...
Time for a short review for Linu (lol, rhymes). My thoughts on ~Remedy. Gameplay wise- very balanced. I played a cage match split screen with my...
This looks really cool, I love all the elements you added (were inspired by) on here, really brings out the best int he gameplay. I'll check it...
You aren't being helpful. Set aside all the originality in the idea of "Halo-Hide n' Seek" people liked it. I'd also like to mention, in regards...
ok, I actually went in and changed basically most if not all of the game's set hide and seek settings to emulate the golden days. whether or not...
Interlock on this? Stop hitting that crack pipe, aint good for you. Anyways I'd like to give street an answer- -I didn't post it back in October...
Pretty incredible editing sir. Snipeflag? That looks like it'll play some insane games, no doubt my face will take the biggest toll. Infiltrate...
is it gon be sig friendly?
good lol, you got your credit, now hush it
no need to post additional pics dude. -.-
lol, sorry Alex forgot who was there. It was like months ago when I made this one and just today I edited the Gametype and retested numerous...