Eh, It looks alright. I definitely see an improvement in the map and post alike since last week. I do believe the tunnel could still use some more...
Grif, can you do me favor as the other staff fail to help me out. I need a name change, please reply.
Insane, can you do me a name change please?
alright thanks
Linu, can you do name changes?
Your spelling doesn't make sense. Moron. Anways this looks really cool. I love non-foundry maps that are good and this is up there. Blocking...
I have an urge to ring my bell.
Oh no wtf.. it's BLUE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want it. In my bed.
1 being.....?
Ignorance is your triple post douche bag. lul You suck, go to your sappy LG and lick ass over there, we don't need you. ^_^ Oh btw idk if you...
Even if he found the secret, he's still a jerk.
This looks photoshopped which means illegal to fileshare. Anyone agree.. it doesn't even look possible ingame.
Tartarus looked like a smelly.
Gnarley pwns all. Cept for Megan.
i can haz megan fox naked? lol looks pretty cool, the abyss effect is pretty radical damn I haven't heard that word in a while >.<
I changed my mind. I think Meryl from MGS: The Twin Snakes, that ***** made wolves pee on me.
If you left FH why are you carrying on about how cool LGNation is, if it's sooo gnarley wouldn't you be better off there? Shouldn't you be there...
I agree with Sephiroth he's pretty bad ass, his appearances in the Kingdom Hearts series were pretty eerie, but incredible nonetheless.
OH NOZZZZZZZZZZZZ it strikes again! DLing. :D I'll report back with thoughts sir.
Know what... you deserve cookie. I just rethought how unfair it is to the poor wittle zombie cause I made last man have instant kill. Which...