Only to satisfy the OP because he's obviously sad faic... I expect Reach will not follow the same mistakes made by the monotonous ODST campaign.
oshit a mongoose?! Can't wait for Bad Company 2, that looks pretty epic.
sure thing, send an invite with a message attached so I know you want me to see your map.
Suggestions/Complaints -You should have EIGHT respawn points in the regular brute tunnel. -You can't have a teleporter leading from the brute...
Suggestions/Complaints -Already mentioned a few times; the vehicle pad was breakable. I suggest that you have the vehicles spawn with the covenant...
Honestly, I hope they make the campaign sort of like Halo 1's. The ODST campaign was pretty generic what with continuous phantoms coming in over...
stop bothering me
iunno. eating my pizza pops right now.
so... I assume you now have an xbox and/or live, right? Map's looking good so far, urban. Kinda reminds of Assassins Creed 2. dunno why, I've...
For future reference, you only need to have the thread name Asset: Map Name. I'll play your map later, so I'll try to get my suggestions for your...
actually, you advertised XF and your new site. 2 birds w/ 1 stone?
Then you fail. oh and you double posted and advertised in my spotlight. gtfo
looks pretty clean, though have considered ghost merging to smooth some of the walls out? It only takes a few minutes, and your map will probably...
I'd buy one
YouTube- Storm Hawks episode 1-2 part 1
I think it could work, invite me i you ever get a testing game going or you want me to see how the map goes!