No. and dammit dude, I wanted the conversation...
It's not so much the sigs themselves I love (which are fantastic btw), but the fact you turned an inside joke into a sig :D
I don't even care what anyone else says, this is AWESOME. Thanks guys :D
It's not the Asset you know.. bungie has their own version of Asset that's in matchmaking. Basically, it's still ODST based (traits are almost the...
Honestly, I think that this gametype itself could be incorporated and used as the standard gametype for all escort style maps instead of just...
wolfninja spelt his name wrong!
wait wut
I ghost merged them actually, and most people already knew that; they were just kidding about their reactions.. well Home was anyways.
\o up high! down low! to the side! TOO SLOW!
colored forum. There is another name for it, but I will not mention it here :O
So you know, MultiLockOn said you could just rush across the map in the tank and unblock teleporters first... I have a new proposition for the 2nd...
Just because you mentioned it... [IMG]
If you want to.
Okay guys, I found the problem with the bungie video embedding, and it's now fixed. Enjoy :) 103769655
Probably just these three... I can't think of anywhere I could make this style of map.
Yeah, sorry about that I knew I was forgetting something :P Also.. what bugs?
HAHA just kidding, I do have access to hub pub.
Yes they are linear, and you have to get to them one at a time, in order. In earlier versions, there was just one destination at the end and...