ARH VHXIOCdfgldbfkot jbhtrfk'ne jgnfjldasngjre gwvnbsjiebo' name change.... im tired, just woke up...
I Kno, i beat them in ffa :D
35 Forgebucks.
Im sorry...
the one on yur back in that pic lulz.
I can haz make a wednsday thread?
Lol, nice, that chicks hot, who is she?
i see wut yu did thar.
Nice new avy, Alot bettar than the cat.
Boy scouts... Probably, nice sig also. gray powerrr 3:33 flr.
3rd best, i love the angle and lighting.
Looks nice, but its Taken not Tooken.
What you'd have to do is go into the halo forge disscusion, post your pictures, ask for help on what you should do..
needs moar interlox. Great colour choice, i love neon colours.
Shanon and insane were makin fun of you today lmao.
Well, Cleaned today, got my XP hooked to my Xbox so i have music now. I slept a bit. played xbox. picked up my buddies. we got stupid. Then i...
Awwwh. brb.
okay, thanks..
Can we go on team viewer and you can help me with blending renders? cant find good stock for sotw, so i must use a render.