Its pretty nice about 18 in niagara falls.
Happy Canada to the fellow Canadians on the site.
Donii go to new then search Donii.iinoD then it should say add, you'll figure it out.
i didnt need your help.
k, if i download, you gotta teach me your ways mastar.
14 day trial wont do ****. i wont even be able to recognize the words in 14 days.
if i save it instead of running it, i could run it off the save, then after its done, delete the ran file, then start up the new saved file get...
no, you can go on mic and stuff. but just get one, i ignore the hoes on msn on this. and i think there is, just follow the registration then...
make an account.
noob, mine was on pit, i was at tower, ninja'd 2 gais then the otherone was afk.
get skype
you give me the link you jacked it off [spoiler]NO ****!!!![/spoiler]
i got my overkill by having my friend scream at me, and i pretended to be crying saying " can i get my brother my overkill please, hes gun beat me...
So? you didnt post this one so gtfo.
and aim is dumb so dont say that.