happy canada day.
I was thinking, maybe just once a week, i mean. now that i know it will work out since people joined.
Better, can you put in in the OP so i can compare easier?
MY KD SPREAD IS MAI LIEF acually it means nothing.. i just think that the more i go possitive the better im getting, so i basically just use it...
I Dont like it.. The text looks good but it looks a bit to dark and her face looks to orangy, Know what i mean?
I Still think two would be better. Maybe like, have a submission thread, sticky it, then sticky the voting thread, Then unsticky the submission...
Maybe, it would seem a bit cluttered wouldnt it?
Can you just give me a rundown of what you'll be doing about the contest again?
Dood, Tim hortans is only the BEST ****ING COFFEE EVAR
Sitting on the computer. might see fire works tonight at the falls.
No prob 49nafyajeulb
okay. thanks.
Nova scotia maple syrup in epic.
and i got cs3. idk. thanks for the halp with gimp.
Rofl, its legal.
Hay, i got cs3
good blending but megan fox is meh. good use of the effects too.
**** YEAH .adreniline.
Needs more blending, look at tutorials.