First one looks best IMO, First cartoon i've seen. and good use of the vector.
Thanks :D
And sarge. At OP: Yup, To many people tryed to hard and got it, now everyone is getting it.. like there was no point in trying to get it.
Blue, im the one in the middle, 'Member me??
Win Screenshot Is Win. Nice shot lmao.
Okay, i will make the thread on sunday. so it can be an even seven days.
i just noticed the scale lines, I like it.
Thanks for the rundown lol
Guys, he never said anything about finding this he just posted them, read jeeze.
Those have Great angles and look really good, accept the last one is meh, Great job on these.
Wait, you meen Scope and KB have powers? or just the power to fire people , nothing like banning and stuff right?
Oh.. Sounds complicated lol, Is gaurdian a higher rank then moderator? on the staff list, it shows Gaurdian before mod but like, they have an...
oh. i was just saying thank you for the help with gimp...
Applied? just asked shock and you talked then BAM?
I got cs3, and i added you on my new skype sometime next week can you teach my your ways of smudging?
Wait, What? like you proved you can be a hard ass and bust everyones balls and still fallow the rules by doing so?
No, i dont want to be staff, if thats what your thinking..
Just wondering?
Exactly what frag said.
This may sound rediculous but, How'd you get Mod?