I had the same thought about the lack of camping on many of the infection maps being considered for MM submission. My map specifically had camping...
Ya, I know that... I was just messing with you. I added it because I wanted to put it into a list of known bugs. Some people may not know about...
Ya, that is why I called it the Known bugs With The Spawn Engine... ;)
This week has seen a flurry of activity involving Infection maps, and with it the discovery that the load out cameras used by Infection at the...
dt192 pointed out to me and helped characterize a bug in the spawn engine. Essentially the Anti Respawn Zone is ignored in KOTH and Territories...
Sort of like you don't want to see how they make sausage lest you never want to eat it again? Seriously, you should join a group and get on when...
You know, I often wonder why the original FW BTB maps had so few objects (e.g., Hemorrhage, Paradiso). Your map is essentially Hemorrhage with a...
I am assuming that if you use two identical objects and merge them together, that you can move one ever so slightly so that you eliminate z-fighting?
Not off hand.
My understanding is that they all say 9/13/10 for security reasons, even if they were made 4/5/11, for example.
This supports more than just territories. You should identify all the game types it supports for us.
Na, that's me!
It seems pretty clear to me it is a Warthog of the Gauss variety.
I never knew this about campaign v FF. But I never play FF either. Thanks..
Wasn't there a turret within the center area on the original?
This is a known problem, not with Forge or the game engine, but with the way the rotation orientation information is saved to the disk file. It is...
A person could get a head ache with the camera moving around so much. Good ideas to work with though!
I may be inaccurate a little here, but I do know that 1. the map is where you decide what vehicles you want 2. the game type alone defines what...
As foreign as this specialized form of zombie game play is to me (I realize it is not foreign to people who play games like L4D that present the...
Some of us played this last night. Some said that the map was over aestheticized. Some really were amazed with the aesthetics (I liked them)....