looks fine i like puzzle maps so ill dl Str8 Up Thug - MyMiniCity
this is good nd a rly good idea nice Interlocjing is just sick, obviosuly aesthenics are amazing. way to go bro, obviosuly, this is a 5/5
This map is really nasty. def dl
nice job, 5/5
looks good. maybe if you have more boxes lock a couple more into the first pic. the floor looks a lil ruff but overall good
that looks rly, rly good _____________________________________________ Str8 Up Thug - MyMiniCity
osm looks really good nice job
looks cool, aesthenic rightttt? my sig is all messed up so ill just put it on myself ___________________________________________________ Str8 Up...
Ya, you need to put pics in but sounds good ID see it being as hard as miles though tht was a b1tch Str8 Up Thug - MyMiniCity
http://str8-upthug.myminicity.com/ CLICK THIS PLZZZZZ
you kinda neede a better overview but looks ok
good for the contest, not a dl tho
rly rly rly fun
looks more of a joke then fer real
rockwall looks fun not range though whatev
ive seen too many maps like this
looks okay ive seen better, idk why its so good though
Best ever by far I got an infastracture, so im fixing it, Thje interlocking, with the circle room is insane, original, and extremely well...
i acyually think this is rly cool so