ahha i said it was my first mini game map i just gave it a shot because hub doesnt have many ill fix it another time
Hey, above and below is my shot at a mini game map. Honestly i will probably never make another unless this gets great feedback. I only made this...
goood job that actually does looks good im gonna go work on my mini game map right now XBL Bloumbas
looks ghood maybe add more flooring i have seen a few cave maps, and one stands out above all others Archeopterix by cosmic rick its the best...
what they said aand you have 24 hours to fix it before a mod locks it
looks okay its big, maybe add a weapons list or something if its not too much trouble
really small bu it looks like you put time into it good job Actually no, the size if fine you meant to build it like that so how could people...
its really original so i like that, but you have to rely on the honor code if your playing with a freind right?
its a cool map but i honestly dont thing its featurable, not that i can do any better just saying
looks really cool,m now try to make a v3 with everything perfect
looks open in the middle maybe make some hills with DB's and throw in some cover
hey from what i see it looks great i think you need more pictures though
looks pretty good, and you only have 11 posts so this must be one of your first maps right? Anyway it looks pretty good maybe geomerge the slanted...
i think you have thumbnails at picstured, when you were at imageshakc you probably clicked tho wrong thing, no big deal just saying
yah that turn with the floating bridges over the cliff looks almost impossible
yah, a forgehub guy will come and dsay your map is not up to standards, and you have 24 hours to fix it. i looks at your pics anyway tho, it looks...
ya you need pics, and im assuming this is a race map?
ya it looks okay, maybemerge the bridges a ittle better. and if some one made like a perfect beaver creek that would be sick this reminds me of it...
yah everything looks cool but im not exactly sure you need more, and better, pics
yeah, the walls need to be fixed up a little bt, and the bridges dont look smoothe at all, its a great idea, just looks like it needs a v2