It's Hillary Duff... lmao xD
Haha, I agree with the sexy part and thanks for the backup =P
Thankies =D
And when are people going to realise I don't have a studio to take a photo of a guy sitting on a stool smirking with sunglasses on holding a...
I read about this a while ago but this video sums it all up pretty well =] This guy got GLOBALLY owned big time... He got slammed so much by...
bnasty574 definitely. Because it looks good? It's more aesthetically pleasing then the others basically... What else is a sig suppose to be...
I'm going to sing the same song to you that I sung to someone else If you're using Firefox download this Add-On...
And I think people should stop remaking threads about what they think should be in a non existent game... This is called SPAM, and this is a SPAM...
Lol this is pretty funny, it made me smile. It looks like a president dive xD
Lololol Chron, make sure you use the "Save For Web and Devices" option in the File menu. I don't know if anyone actually wants to see this, but...
Are you using MSPaint or a different program? If you're using paint try getting GiMP or Photoshop =]
It's just typing... If you're using Firefox download this Add-On Then just put this in the...
Page Two of Videos Wow that is absolutely amazing!! I am getting that CD! Also to embed videos just put media tags...
The second last two are really cool, I like how Avalanche looks like it's night time and the lightning effects around the Spartan just look...
Omg lol this picture would have been way better if the people on the mongoose were enemies =D Did you kill or even hurt your allies when doing...
Even though the vid says May30 I can't see any videos on his webstie =\ Lockdown, I linked to his website in my OP =]...
The newer trailer from Chairleg Productions, I hope this does eventually get into production. It looks like it could be good. They have had so...
The original Donkey Kong game should be up there, it has the best ending. Well... it's ending is great because it just goes... "WTF" and freezes...
The stairs are a definite choice in my opinion! The ramp, as you say, doesn't look that great at all and has been done. The stairs really caught...