hello and welcome to forgehub. if you have any questions, please send a message to me. to do this, click on my name. also you should check out...
i know you know that i know that you know that i know what i'm talking about you know?
what did i just say. its not up to me dude, its the rules. if you don't like it go to halotracks
its truly a pity. he was great
i'm sorry to say, that this post isn't up to forgehub standards. please go here to learn how to properly embed your pics. and please no more,...
you can use double walls, and open boxes to make it longer
if you embed right the pics wouldn't be so small. please go to that thread for help.
i'll help you with your maps.
you didn't embed pics right. atleast theres pics though. is it a remake on elongation. go here to learn how to properly embed pics.
i don't get it. these are blank maps with hidden weapons
take a look at this. make sure to read the replies. we need your view.
you still won't answer me. why were you banned. if you don't tell me, i'll assume it was for stealing maps