ok i'll edit my first post.
like i said. send me a link to your bnet screenshots and i'll embed them for you.
this is why the olympics shouldn't be in china. assuming this is true
ok, i put down the pics. so no one confused and dosn't say this is spam. i'll explain. i put his pics on for him, so then he copied and pasted and...
well then play lone wolves to get better overall.
my sis and her freinds are using my xbox for a movie. you can train with someone else can't you?
i can't. why?
ya that looks pretty cool. nice job. i have gimp, but i have no idea how to use it.
first of all, don't double post. secondly. redearth's idea is the only one that really works.
i can see the screenshots now. looks cool. do we get anything if we win.
hello and welcome to forgehub. if you have any questions, please send a message to me. to do this, click on my name. also you should check out...
ok. no that kid was really annoying. i showed him the map, and he said he wanted to work on it.
can't top pysch
guitar hero jack johnson would be better. he kicks ass. but ya a metal one would be cool
yes very much.
ok my email is bengalboy4@hotmail.com. pm when you've sent it.
you stole your map flare from this guy. your are a major dbag.