thats okay i no it gets tough w/ lots of costumers n so much time
cant play on weekdays
*Render/Character: Grunt like form sub Zero locKiN down or w/e *Name: Boyle06 Style: *Color Scheme:Blue, Black Text- Just Boyle 06 Quote:
Image/Render: i like the one on shade117 the blue one w/ red spartan Theme:grunt...
no1 told me to be on then i told u i cant play on weekdays im gorunded n i got in trouble yesterday waiting for u two... we sent u BILLIONS of...
1. Boyle06 2. Nothing 3. Grunt can u make him black and white with little...
Nice job creative idea with the hill... never would have thought of that... map looks GREAAT... nice interlocking... mayb u could make this on...
Like the idea i really would have to play it to say nething bout it... nice job on the forging tho i can tell u put time in to making the map...
WOW... this map is great... Ahmaring interlocking nice merging if there was ne i was to busy w/ game play but some more of the appeal factor n in...
you were on but your bud wasnt wat was he doing he said 9 but wasnt there... n why didnt u reply to the MILLIONZ rofl of messages me n Blaski sent...
oh yes im a top 15 poster... nice work like how nades r key... basement layout wasnt too clear... like the asstetics... AHMAZING description
looks realy nice... i can tell u put a lot of thought into every inch of the map for possible ledges and wat not... i like the looks of the map...
looks nice interlocking is smooth looks like it would play well maybe add more to the roof of the building.. i can tell u put a lot of design...
Looks nice i didnt really understand what the step thing was ... liked the look of the map not sure i liked the interlocked bridges seemed miss...
nice job on the base spawn simple but i think they r right for the map... like the sword spawn but maybe not a sword, a mauler or possible...
nice job on the interlocking ... i think if u woulda interlocked the double boxes in pic #5 i believe.... i like the fencebox w/ the forklift n i...
Nice map nice interlocking the fence wall "warning stripes" was a nice touch... think the mongoose was outa place for the map... liked the stairs...
looks nice dont no wat to say mayBz bigger version with more of an outer space w/ base and make DANGEROUS=fast n SAFE=slow.... n thought for v.2...
looks fun but maybe make the V-load link less sketchy brighter n add more BLAMMORZ to the map tele-port writing=WIN SAUCE...
looks awesome smooth interlocking, AHmazing screenshots 5/5 rating n im actually rating i no wat ur thinking he posted 5/5 n he is actually going...