Thanks :)
For those of us that built either a knife-assassin, a shield-tank, or a mage, and aren't level 68 running the novice difficulty with max'd sneak...
Yeah, there are some purely badass things just laying around the wild.
Also, tell me when you are done halo-ing via skype or whatever, if you want, I just turned it off so that I could play my computer through the TV...
They updated Rose finally!!!!!! The epic update that they were talking about during the summer! IE, you can now use more Topaz's to beef your...
Just made my way through the Water dungeon, and it was the coolest dungeon every. The juxtaposition of the incredibly pure, perfect, golden,...
Dont mind me, just want to defend our tourny; The purpose was not really to encourage performance, but COMPETITIVE performance. To find the...
God no, I'm trying to get to bed an hour ago. I have a goddamn class in seven hours, and I need to get up about an hour before that to make it in...
Uhh... Well, ive fought the imprisoned once already (i assume i have to again lol,) as well as the thousand-year-arachnid and the pyroclastic...
I was all super-conflicted, all like "**** THEY ARE ALL GOOD" Then I looked at my Crash Team Racing disk thats laying in front of me, and I...
The face seems to be about a thumbs width up and to the left of where it should be (using your thumb). IE, the head seems to be looking strait at...
Then respond to me!
Yeah, still insane. Turns out though, being stupidly aggressive is the best way to do well in this game, contrary to everything else in the...
I hated it... then like two weeks later, I though back, and realized I loved it. Mostly because of the plot; so many zelda references too >.<...
Hey, you can haz fluttershy.
"When I finally get into the supermarket, I often experience Shopping Cart Rage. This is caused by the people—and you just KNOW these are the same...
Agreed, in every way.
**** reading the thread, too much text. I hate Sprint. I hate Armor Lock. I abhor Jetpack. This is all not because they are broken;...
^ @theleprecaunguywhosnameicantrememberthatisabovetheguyaboveme: Lol, no. The giants are not a superbowl-caliber team, I honestly still dont even...