Sorry I was bussy reviewing some other maps and I was working on my new maps as well. Heres my very short review.The map has smooth turns and is...
lol sorry
That was pretty awesome lol poor G man ;] lol
I'm a frequent poster that gives my honest opinion of a map if it sucks it sucks if its awesome its probably awesome I won't be mean though and...
Looks simple enough and its clean and smooth. Can you resize the pics thou for some reason the dont fit in the screen correctly I like that you...
I can see the building is well built and same as most of the map areas but why did you name it clff side crib theres no cliff? lolol Its a nice...
Be more careful how you rep in the future
Isn't this clasified as advertising which is against the forum rules. I think this would be more appropriate in the map testing section. The forge...
Yeah I agree nothings more frustrating than getting shot in the open with no cover in reach. You can add a few mini basses if you still have...
This seems like a well built maze/puzzle map I wounder did you make a cake at the end because portal lied to me lol :[. I think the map looks kind...
We make maps , I don't think we would even do well in a MLG enviroment not many people at forgehub are very good at MLG settings. Yes we do play...
Its too empty even for a 1v1 and 2v2 I think spawn camping would be a major issue on this map with its lack of usefull cover.
This one seems very cheatable. What if players dont evter the vent and just stay outside the map? I think you will need to fix this issue because...
I think it looks real good but I think this fits in the asethetics forums better than the minigame section. Thats just IMO though.
No flaming .......and I think your maps are ok some could have more asetetics but they looks fine for gameplay.
I like all the bridges between buildings and as many others have said the "urban look" to the map. I hope it plays as well as it looks because I'm...
Its well forged but what sets this appart from other competative maps? I think it lacks orriginality and that really needs to be worked on. Your...
Yeah this one doesn't look half as good as the other one :/ Its too bumpy and its skinny...What spartan has a head as flat as that? I think you...
I love this map its very feature worthy I hope some people take notice on this map. I love the combination of Asethetic's and gameplay on this...
Yeah I agree everyone has made a sandrtap infection is there anything different about this one is their something that evens out the gameplay so...