Yeah we probably did play together Ive been testing alot of peoples maps lately.
Me and jester did in fact correct the issues in the "Crypt" by making a version 2 of the map called "Grave yard" the gametype evens out the two...
Yeah I commented on your map ,and can you do the same on my map you help test too, link right >...
Yeah I remember testing it with you with slayer and odd ball. It plays very much like Paragone and Saphire with the slaneted shield doors and the...
I know right...........of course you can drive it ;] lol I t looks very good though almost perfect.
Thats nice that we can see it but it really is kind of point less to learn about them. If one evert hits us well...we are screwed wether or not we...
Take him out of the jail cell and have him dissapear allong with the cops missplacing their guns while walking down the dirt road in the woods at...
Sarge 525 - Hill Zone
1.Worms 3D [Classic game I use to play on the nintendo 64.] 2. Heavy Weapon [intense sidescroler,it puts a smile on my face when I use a nuke] 3....
Its that way decause well Forge hub is the orriginal and the largest group of forgers in Halo 3 its only natural to have a large number of good...
I'am happy that you took the time to type that all up and yeah you were there when I was making alot of the map. I know I took tons of time trying...
If I'm online you can send me an invite and I'll join. I'll help if I'm online :]
Yes some people said it was cool and I didn't ignore you lol. True but thats why there are alot of basses and cover if you find a relativly safe...
Thank you for your support on my map :]
I gave Ferretness Credit in the post it should be high lighted. I asked him before working on the map if I could use the concept and exspand on it...
Yeah the eye laucher with the powere up core came from me not being able to interlock gravlifts into doulble boxes pluss after I did it it looked...
Thats why Forge hub is where I land We have a race track map section and we have a huge community which is still growing I just don't see a need...
Hmmmmm Those sites are small and have potential but I do NOt believe they will be my new forge hub it seems forge hub has a larger variety of maps...
Oh just updated on all the new members , cool maps, promotions, site updates annd stuff like that.
Lots of new stuff happening you might need to be caught up with the times. lol